Saving Raptors Together


About the Program

Saving Raptors Together with Toucan Rescue Ranch is a conservation program aimed at protecting and rehabilitating raptors, or birds of prey, in Costa Rica. The program focuses on rescuing injured, orphaned, and illegally trafficked raptors, providing them with medical care and rehabilitation, and ultimately releasing them back into the wild.

Toucan Rescue Ranch plays a crucial role in this program by providing a haven for these birds during their recovery. The program also emphasizes education and awareness, aiming to educate local communities and visitors about the importance of raptors in the ecosystem and the need to protect them.

The program was established in 2007.

Successful Rewilding

Toucan Rescue Ranch rewilds raptors through a carefully planned process. Once a raptor is deemed ready for release, it is moved to a pre-release enclosure, miming natural conditions and allowing the bird to regain strength and practice hunting skills. During this time, the raptors are provided with live prey to ensure they can successfully hunt independently.

Once the raptors demonstrate their ability to hunt and survive independently, they are released into suitable habitats.

This process aims to give these magnificent birds the best chance of survival while respecting their natural instincts and behaviors.

What Dangers Do Raptors Face

  • Habitat Loss & Urbanization: Habitat loss is a significant threat as urbanization and deforestation reduce their nesting and hunting grounds.
  • Collisions: Collisions with man-made structures like power lines and wind turbines are another major threat, causing injuries and fatalities. Vehicles and barbed wire also pose a severe threat.
  • Pollution & Toxic Chemicals: Pesticides and other toxic chemicals also pose a danger as raptors consume contaminated prey, leading to reproductive issues and weakened immune systems.

Personal Info

Donation Total: $100