Symbolically Adopt the Three-Fingered Sloth: Help Slow Down Extinction!
By symbolically adopting the adorable Three-Fingered Sloth, you’ll directly contribute to its ongoing food and care. Your generous donation provides for the needs of this nocturnal, nectar-loving species for approximately three months! Upon checkout, you’ll receive a digital adoption package complete with your Adoption Certificate and a thank-you email that includes your tax-deductible information.
Three-Fingered Sloth Facts (Fun Fact Sheet Included in Digital Package):
- Sleep Habits: Three-Fingered Sloths sleep between 10 to 15 hours every day and are active throughout the rest of the day.
- Tree Dwellers: These sloths spend most of their lives in the high branches of trees, only descending once every eight days to defecate on the ground.
- Gestation and Birth: Their gestation lasts at least seven months, and the single young are born fully furred and clawed.
- Mother and Baby Bond: Three-Fingered Sloth young cling to their mother’s underside for five months or more, even though they are fully weaned after just 4–5 weeks.
This package is available to download upon completion at check-out.
Important Notes
- This is a symbolic adoption; we do not physically sell or adopt any rescued wildlife in our care.
- As a licensed rescue center, it’s our mission to combat the illegal pet trade and protect wildlife in accordance with Costa Rican law.
- Adoption donations are non-refundable and directly support the species you choose.
Thank you for helping the Toucan Rescue Ranch care for Costa Rica’s incredible wildlife!
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