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Hunny Keel Billed Toucan
This has become a famous saying here at the ranch. Hearing this phrase – hearing these three little words – is music to our ears.

Why is Papaya Life, You Ask?

Papaya is a Superfruit, containing a lot of beneficial vitamins and compounds that are essential for the animals. Things such as beta-carotene and lycopene (the same famous carrot extracts thought to be good for the eyes!), and Vitamin C and Vitamin E (incredible for the skin, too). It’s a key component in the recoveries of our medical cases, especially in the animals’ suffering electricity burns.

It contains high amounts of an enzyme known as papain, which works great as a digestion aid for breaking down protein (so it’s a great key food for omnivores, carnivores, and herbivores, alike!). And at TRR, we care for 265 animals and over 50 species of wildlife – all with uniquely different diets. But what do the animals love the most? – Papaya, of course!
We Spend an Average of $42,000 Each Year on Papaya Alone. – How Wild is That?
The sheer number of animals means we are going to and from feedings, almost constantly. And boy, do they LOVE papaya. Our animals go through nearly 1-ton (roughly 1,323 pounds) of it in JUST one week. And this is just for papayas; this doesn’t include the various fruits and vegetables that are also needed in our diversified animal diets.

Each week, we go through hundreds of pounds of produce (things like green beans, carrots, melon, fish, banana, plantain, berries), as well as a variety of meat and other foods that we prepare daily for the many dietary needs at TRR. Papaya, however, takes the cake; it is by far our biggest food expense.

Why $5,000?

Now is an essential time for Toucan Rescue Ranch. The coronavirus has had a significant impact on our sanctuary, reducing monetary donations, donated produce, and income from tourism. We don’t know how long the effects of the Coronavirus will last, so we must continuously work to prepare for the worst – and the long-term impact it will have on the sanctuary. We are seeking to raise $5,000, which will help provide feeding and basic care to the animals of Toucan Rescue Ranch for 1 month.

How to Help

We need your support now – more than ever. Our mission remains the same. We continue to provide continued quality medical care to the TRR residents, as well as remaining open for emergency placements (most recently, several orphaned sloths not eligible for reintroduction).

Whether you are able to donate or choose to share our cause with your friends and family instead, please consider joining our mission. Any donation amount, $5 or $50, helps significantly supporting the wildlife of the Ranch. The entirety of the funds from this campaign go towards these deserving animals and ensuring their diverse dietary needs are met. Thank you so much for your kindness and support.

We are trying to raise $5,000 on CUDDLY!

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