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In case you missed the announcement on our social media:
Toucan Rescue Ranch has teamed up with CUDDLY because it is a community of animal lovers focused on helping animal organizations. We are also thrilled to be one of their FIRST WILDLIFE RESCUE CENTERS! They have a wonderful crowdfunding platform that is specifically focused on animal rescue. With 2,000+ animal welfare organizations on board, they know what they’re doing!

Why we decided to work with CUDDLY

There are a lot of perks for teaming up with CUDDLY, but here are a few that we want you to know:
  • As a 501c3, we don’t pay to use the platform, just your normal PayPal and credit card processing fees.
  • We get to utilize CUDDLY’s extensive audience, reaching outside TRR’s following for new supporters.
  • We get to utilize their special platforms to send updates, emails, and add to our special items wish list for each campaign. 

Toucan Rescue Ranch is excited to have a platform like CUDDLY where we can share animal-specific cases that may have a very long rehabilitation journey, expensive medical costs, or an animal that has special needs that require your support.

We are sharing this with you because if you donated to us using our MightyCause profile, we’ve also added you to CUDDLY! This way you will get all the amazing newsletters keeping you up-to-date with the animals that need your help.

When we send our mailers via CUDDLY we will only send you mailers with important updates. Plus, you always have the option to opt-out of the mailers. If you would like to be added to CUDDLY’s main subscriber list to get all the recent updates about other rescue centers and their campaigns, please head to their website to subscribe.

We want to be 100% transparent with our supporters moving forward with CUDDLY! Not to mention we even have our special consultant to help us utilize their platform to the fullest.

Yes, we will still use MightyCause for other “types” of fundraisers, but we are so thrilled to have animal-specific fundraisers here and a special relief fund in response to COVID-19.


Orphaned baby two-fingered sloth needs your support

Amalur is an orphaned two-fingered sloth (Choloepus Hoffmanni) in Toucan Rescue Ranch’s care. She is one of our youngest orphaned sloths at the moment. Found on the ground with no mom, she was luckily rescued and brought to the Toucan Rescue Ranch. She weighs 746 grams and is receiving milk every 6 hours. She LOVES munching on fresh leaves and is becoming more reliant on solid foods. Our hope is to release her back into the wild once old enough. Amalur has a very long road before that happens. So she will enjoy Sloth Elementary at Toucan Rescue Ranch until she slowly starts to graduate through our Saving Sloths Together program.
Millie a 2 Toed Sloth


Animals like Millie desperately need your support

And as this crisis continues, the needs of these animals similarly continue to grow – at a rapid pace. Toucan Rescue Ranch needs help; and together, WE can ensure their immediate needs are met. If you are able to support Toucan Rescue Ranch in their mission during this difficult time, please consider donating to this fundraiser or sending an essential item from our wishlist below. All donations go directly to animals like Millie, and will help rescuers continue their life-saving work in Costa Rica. Thank you for your kindness and support!


Electrocuted, poor boy plunges 20 feet to the ground

This poor boy was found severely injured and bleeding out onto the floor, after falling over TWENTY feet to the ground. As it turns out, his fall from the roof was initially broken by some high voltage wires – which electrocuted him and left him utterly incapacitated, and in undeniable agony. He had lost so much blood, and he was already succumbing to the serious infection ravaging through his system. The owner of the home called the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica (MINAE), and thank goodness he did, as he likely saved Mr. P’s life.


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