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Over spring break, I went to French Glen, Oregon. French Glen is located on a national wildlife refuge in far South Eastern Oregon and is part of a high desert. The area is protected because birds from all over travel there. There are really cool birds like cranes, herons, swans, and geese. The area also has yellow marmots, big horned sheep, bears, coyotes, and more! I was excited to see whatever wildlife I could see. The first night before bed I saw mule deer grazing and turkey hawks roosting in trees!

The next day we went to Hart Mountain to look for antelope. We didn’t see any but we did find lots and lots of droppings and hoof prints, and even some bones. By following the poop piles, we could follow where the antelope traveled.

The second day was amazing. First, we went on a hike and found a large herd of mule deer and I got safely close. I also found a baby jackrabbit, it was so cute!

Later, we drove to where the wild mustangs live and I found many small groups. Finally, we went to a large barn and found a great horned owl. Under the owl, we found lots of owl pellets filled with rabbit fur and bones. You can learn a lot by investigating animal droppings.

It was such a fun trip and I loved seeing all the wildlife. I’m glad that area is protected so the animals that live there are safe. It’s so important to protect land for wildlife.

What kinds of animals have you seen on your travels?

Check out the cool photos that Sylvie took during her trip!

Sylvie Future Sloth Conservationist
About this Conservation Kiddo:
Hi my name is Sylvie Mohr. I’m 9 years old and I live in Portland, Oregon. When I grow up I want to be a wildlife conservationist and help sloths and their environment. This is a place where we can learn about the Toucan Rescue and the animals they help!
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