Ricardo’s body tells us a story of a sloth who has come upon some really tough times. We don’t know exactly how it happened but the injuries he came in with were brutal to even look at, let alone experience.
The second Ricardo got into our care here at Toucan Rescue Ranch, we immediately had him assessed.- But it didn’t take a vet to see that he had sustained some pretty intense injuries, some that were not healing well at all. We were informed that he had a scarred lesion on his hind leg with serious ischemic necrosis, in addition to abscesses and dislocation- all on his leg. We decided the best thing for this boy was to have it amputated.
Thankfully, the procedure went well, and Ricardo is now steadily recovering under the supervision of our surgical team. He is resting and getting the nutrition he needs to ensure a great recovery. For now, we are treating him with antibiotics and painkillers, and expect to keep him in the clinic for at least two weeks while his wounds heal. After which, the hope is that Ricardo will be strong enough to be moved to an outdoor enclosure with more space to explore – which will allow us to observe his levels of activity and climbing skills.
Ricardo’s Budget Breakdown:
1. Medical/Medicines:
Anesthesia; antibiotics; gauze; rubber gloves; stitches; x-ray; vet wrap; syringes; surgery performed by two vets, IV set, fluids, analgesic, antiseptic.
2. General Support:
Blankets; heated blanket; kennel; bucket for handling; wild leave transport costs; carrots; beans; syringes; gloves; disinfectant spray.

Help Save Ricardo’s Life by Donating
We really need your help. Thanks to the quick actions of both the kind people who rescued him and some TRR volunteers, this little guy is now getting a second chance at life in the wild! The estimated cost of which is roughly $1,157, including Ricardo’s daily 24/hour care. All of the money and donated items received from this campaign will go towards this boy’s amputation surgery, X-ray, constant care, medication, and nutrition, and will help ensure that he can be successfully rewilded. Please help us help Ricardo get Home. Whether it be $5 or $100, every single dollar makes a difference in getting this guy back where he belongs… Back in the trees!