A Unique Type of Muffin for International Muffin Day!
The beloved muffin deserves a day of its own, and for that, we have February 20. It’s National Muffin Day! Meet Toucan Rescue Ranch’s version of…
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Millie the Sloth’s Fundraiser
She arrived at Toucan Rescue Ranch late one afternoon in 2007, as a very sick, very tiny orphaned baby – just 1 week old.
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Spud & Tater, two orphaned porcupines
Since arriving at Toucan Rescue Ranch, these lil’ baby Hairy Mexican Porcupines have become the best of friends. But they haven’t always had each other. Both babies…
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This has become a famous saying here at the ranch. Hearing this phrase – hearing these three little words – is music to our ears.
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Baby Kisses: Brutally Mauled By Dog
Kisses is a small baby Tayra (part of the weasel family), who arrived at the Ranch scared, hurting, and stressed, after being attacked by a dog. Luckily,…
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World Biodiversity Day & Global Biodiversity Festival
We live in a wonderfully diverse world, filled with tons of different plants, animals, fungi, and even bacteria that provide our planet with a wide variety and…
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Tough Love: Re-Wilding an Orphaned Tamandua
My name is Duncan Coleman and I am the surrogate father of an orphaned tamandua anteater. I grew up in Wimberley, Texas, but now I…
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