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Juana Raccoon
Meet Juana (or Mrs. Juana, we should say). – She is is the FIRST rescue to be welcomed into the Ranch, and we’re happy to say: This year’s for her. She arrived on January 1st – New Years Day – MORE than ready to make her comeback.
This lil’ lady’s what we call a “distinguished gentlewoman” – a mature, yet undeniably ADORABLE, raccoon. She first arrived at Toucan Rescue Ranch after she was saved from horrible, unimaginable conditions. Conditions which, heartbreakingly enough, also strongly indicated severe animal abuse.
Juana Raccoon

Juana was found hidden in a Good Samaritan’s shed, seeking any shelter she could after undergoing an incredibly traumatic experience. But upon discovering this little raccoon, the kind individual took quick note of two things: How scared and horrified Juana was, and the painful, extensive burn that was spanning all the way down her back. And thankfully, she immediately called the fire department, who, in turn, brought Juana to the medical clinic at Toucan Rescue Ranch.

Upon Juana’s initial examination, however, rescuers made a shocking discovery: Due to the severity of the burn and the placement, it’s almost certain that they are a result of hot oil burns. (Sadly – and due to a lack of animal protection laws and wildlife advocacy – many of Costa Rica’s native species fall prey to man-made cruelty and devices.) The unfortunate reality is that poor Juana has joined the ranks of innocent victims, who were treated as “pests” rather than living, breathing, souls. It takes nothing more than a few seconds to call MINAE; to call the fire department; to call rescuers – all could have helped to catch, and released, her elsewhere. Yet – this was not the case here.

In this case, Juana was treated in one of the most inhumane manners imaginable, and it’s a behavior that CANNOT be endorsed. So, although this act of cruelty is deeply saddening, rescuers of Toucan Rescue Ranch are using it as a reason to keep pushing. To keep fighting – for Juana, and for so many like her, who have been inhumanely stripped of their right to live.

As of right now, TRR’s Veterinary team is treating her with painkillers and anesthesia, as well as deep cleaning her injuries to remove all the dead tissue and changing the bandages – a painful, but necessary process. Sadly, this poor girl’s physical and emotional recovery will take not only months, but also lots of careful love, some sleepless nights, and most of all, worlds of patience. But Juana deserves the world – and after all that she’s been through, rescuers at TRR are committed to making sure she gets nothing but the best for her future. And – fingers (and paws) crossed – soon, Juana will be healthy and strong enough to join the Rewilding Program, to begin her reintroduction HOME, #backinthetrees!
Please keep this special girl in your thoughts, and if you are able to assist with Juana’s care, please consider donating to this fundraiser or sending her a special “get-well” item off her wishlist, link below.
Our goal is to raise $2,000 for the ongoing care of Juana!
Thank you for your kindness and support!

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