The Toucan Rescue Ranch is pleased to announce an exciting and fun new aspect of our blog: The Kidz Korner!
We all know kids are the future and Toucan Rescue Ranch wants to give a special space for aspiring young conservationists! As a part of Toucan Rescue Ranch’s mission, we focus on environmental education to promise a brighter tomorrow for our wild and natural world. Education is a vital component to creating systematic and substantial change in today’s ever-changing world. So, when teaching the world about the importance of wildlife, who do we mainly want to talk to? Kids, of course!
Children, no matter their age, have a voice. It is important that Toucan Rescue Ranch provides a platform for young people to not only learn and grow but feel heard.
Thus, the Kidz Korner was born! We are so excited to feature one of our pioneer Conservation Kidz: Sylvie Mohr.
Toucan Rescue Ranch:
Sylvie, one of the best ways to help sloths is to support conservation projects who help them! Do you have any fun fundraising ideas you could do with your friends to raise money for sloths?
Sylvie, Future Sloth Conservationist:
My name is Sylvie, and I love sloths. When I hear about sloths getting hurt or injured, it breaks my heart. I wondered what I could do to help them. My friend and I thought it would be a good idea to do a walk-a-thon. We made a pledge sheet and chose a route, then we walked around our neighborhood and asked our neighbors if they would like to help us.
On December 28th, we walked 8 blocks in 30 minutes. Together, we raised a little over $200.
Some other ways I can raise money for sloths is by putting a little bit of my allowance in the bank. Also, I like baking and sometime soon I might try a bake sale! Check out this cookie cutter!

About this Conservation Kiddo:
Hi my name is Sylvie Mohr. I’m 9 years old and I live in Portland, Oregon. When I grow up I want to be a wildlife conservationist and help sloths and their environment. This is a place where we can learn about the Toucan Rescue and the animals they help!
Are you a parent, teacher, or educator who wants to get involved with Toucan Rescue Ranch’s Kidz Korner? Please send blog submissions to [email protected]! What needs to be included in order to be featured:
- At least 3 photos in JPEG format
- At least 200 words
- A small biography about the Conservation Kid
- Parental or teacher approval
Follow the hashtag on social media #TRRKidzKorner
Calling all Conservation Kidz!

Join the #BackYardBio Global event hosted by Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants
Over the last five years, we’ve had the pleasure of hosting over a thousand of the top conservationists in the world, and the message is clear – the ecosystems and creatures we share the world with are under threat because of us.
We are pushing ecosystems to the limit, reducing numbers of species through destruction of habitat, overfishing/hunting, pollution, and climate change. Most scientists agree that we are in the midst of the 6th mass extinction of our planet’s 4.6 billion-year history, for the first time caused by a species on the planet.
But we can do something about it! It starts with awareness. We cannot protect or value what we don’t understand – and that understanding begins with an action we can take TODAY. Through BackyardBio our goal is to provide an easy, fun, and engaging experience you can run from anywhere on earth alone or together with friends, family, or students that will inspire you to learn more, get excited about the natural world, and want to take action to make a positive difference!