SIMG: Hibiscus Eat-Off

Hibiscus Eat-Off: A Feast for Our Slothletes!

The 9th Annual Sloth Ironman Games is about to get even more exciting with one of the most fun and delicious events: the Hibiscus Eat-Off! This challenge is all about testing our slothletes’ love for tasty treats and their natural foraging abilities.

Sloths may move slowly, but when it comes to a delicious snack, they know how to dig in! Hibiscus flowers are a favorite treat for our sloth athletes, offering a burst of nutrients and a touch of sweetness. This event showcases their slow but steady eating skills as they take on the challenge of consuming as many hibiscus flowers as they can in a set time.

But don’t let their calm, laid-back demeanor fool you—these sloths are ready to eat! It’s a race of taste and patience, as they savor every bite, showing us how they naturally forage in the wild. Hibiscus flowers not only provide them with essential nutrients, but they’re also a fantastic source of enrichment, encouraging natural behavior in a fun and engaging way.

Why Hibiscus?
Hibiscus flowers are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants, and they mimic the kind of foraging that sloths would do in the wild. These blooms are an important part of the natural diet for sloths, and providing them as part of the Ironman Games gives us a chance to highlight their unique dietary needs and preferences.

When is the Hibiscus Eat-Off?

The Hibiscus Eat-Off will take place on October 22nd at 1:00 P.M. Costa Rica time. Tune in to Toucan Rescue Ranch’s Facebook and YouTube pages to watch this adorable yet competitive challenge unfold!

Support Your Favorite Sloth Athlete
As always, your donations play a huge role in the Games and help our slothletes get closer to victory. For every $5 donation, your chosen sloth athlete earns 5 points, helping them compete in this event and in the overall challenge! The more donations they receive, the closer they are to winning the coveted title of Sloth Ironman Champion!

By contributing, you’re also helping to support our Saving Sloths Together program, which focuses on sloth rescue, rehabilitation, and rewilding efforts. Your donation helps ensure that every sloth receives the care they need and a second chance at life in the wild.

So mark your calendars, gather your friends, and get ready to cheer on your favorite sloth athlete as they chow down in the Hibiscus Eat-Off. It’s a chance to see them in action, enjoy some adorable moments, and help sloths everywhere get closer to their wild home.

Who will be the ultimate hibiscus lover? Tune in to find out, and let’s make this event a wild success! 🌺🐾