Kurama arrived at our rescue center after dogs attacked her in a residential area.
Neighbors quickly reached out to the local fire department, and they brought her to our headquarters. Thanks to having available vet staff 24/7, we were able to receive her and take care of her immediately!
Sadly, the incident caused a severe fracture on her right leg at the femoral level. After a thorough evaluation and X-rays to assess her condition, we determined that Kurama required specialized orthopedic surgery. So, we contacted Dr. Daniel Chavarria, who successfully performed surgery on Kurama’s fractured leg.
Our Vet Team administers pain medication and checks her surgery wounds daily. Kurama’s recovery will require time, patience, and ongoing support. Thankfully, everything is going great, and we’re hopeful for her!
Kurama’s Budget Breakdown:

She will stay under our watchful care until she heals and regains her strength to be released back into the wild where she belongs. Our team will provide the necessary medication, regular check-ups, and rehabilitation sessions to ensure her successful rehabilitation during her stay
Your contribution to this cuddly campaign will directly impact Kurama’s journey to healing and freedom. By donating, you support the expenses associated with her orthopedic surgery, post-operative care, medication, and ongoing rehabilitation. Let’s ensure Kurama’s successful recovery and return to the wild!
About Cuddly
CUDDLY is a fundraising and wishlist platform that sends much-needed aid and supplies to verified 501(c)(3) nonprofit animal rescues to help as many animals as possible.
All monetary and in-kind donations are tax-deductible.