Connecting Continents: The Journey of Sabina, the Broad-winged Hawk
As a wildlife rescue center that specializes in birds of prey, we see a variety of raptor species come through our clinic doors, but that diversity…
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Launching Saving Howler Monkeys Together: A Campaign to Save Injured and Orphaned Howler Monkeys in Costa Rica!
After our success with the Saving Sloths Together program, a collaborative effort to rescue, rehabilitate, and release wild sloths in Costa Rica, Toucan Rescue Ranch is…
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The Will of a Wildcat: Saving Shuri, the Jaguarundi
Working in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation is as emotionally draining as it is rewarding. Our staff sees all sides of human-wildlife conflict–the…
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Gray Fox Suffers a Fracture After Being Attacked by Dogs
Kurama arrived at our rescue center after dogs attacked her in a residential area. Neighbors quickly reached out to the local fire department, and…
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Sloth Suffers Spine Damage After He Falls From an Electric Lamp Post
Joey is a two-fingered sloth that suffered from a terrible accident. Joey’s journey began when he tragically fell from an electric lamp post onto…
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Sloth Loses His Hand After He Gets Caught In Barbed Wire
You can help Randy through his recovery and rewilding journey by donating now. We rescued Randy after one of our vet supervisors was contacted…
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Baby Howler Monkey Recovers from Dog Attack
Loki is a baby howler monkey that is in a delicate state. This baby was rescued after his mom was attacked by a dog…
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Happy World Animal Day
Happy World Animal Day! There is no question that animals have always had a great impact on the lives of humans. History is proof of this: the…
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Izzy Makes a New Friend
It's difficult to not fear monkeys after being chased down by a group of macaque monkeys at the tender age of seven and, then again at the age of 20, being trapped in a bathroom by a large male patiently waiting for me outside the door. Needless to say, I've been traumatized by monkeys and held a fear for them my whole life. So you can imagine the day I arrived at the Toucan Rescue Ranch to see adult spider monkeys. I was quite surprised and very nervous. A few weeks went by and I plucked up the courage to begin helping with the spider monkeys morning and afternoon feeding. If I got a little too close, both Izzy and Noelia would reach through and grab chunks of my hair, taking my dignity with it. I was determined at this stage to conquer my fear and decided I would slowly work towards gaining their trust. In the afternoons, I would take them treats and after a period of time they started to warm up to me- Izzy in particular. I am now at the point where Izzy will anticipate my arrival at the enclosure and she will come down to greet me, following me as I manage their feeding and care. I've learnt that spider monkeys are very intelligent and can sense fear in people. As my fear disappeared the bond between us grew and I'm very grateful for having had this special time with her here at the Ranch. You can ADOPT Izzy or animals like her by visiting our ADOPTION page! By former volunteer Talia Harris | Read more about volunteer's experiences by subscribing to our newsletter!
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