Wildlife Catalog: Yellow-Naped Parrot
Amazona auropalliata auropalliata, A. a. auropalliata CLASS: AvesORDER: PsittaciformesFAMILY: PsittacidaeGENUS: AmazonaSPECIES: auropalliataSUBSPECIES: auropalliata ABOUT Parrots… Parrots…
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Poor Baby Trash Panda Found with No Mama In Sight
Everyone, please give a warm welcome to our newest campaign baby, Rocket. Just like his friend Groot, Rocket is currently residing at our Release Site,…
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The Sloth becomes a National Symbol of Costa Rica
The Sloth Becomes a National Symbol of Costa Rica: Did you hear?! This July, the Costa Rican government has announced that both the two-fingered and three-fingered sloths…
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Wildlife Catalog: Tayra
Eira barbara inserta, E. barbara inserta CLASS: Mammalia (Mammals)ORDER: CarnivoraFAMILY: MustelidaeGENUS: EiraSPECIES: barbaraSUBSPECIES: inserta ABOUT Tayras are the…
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Orphaned Kinkajou Found Alone, Only A Few Days Old
Meet Manuka, a sweet rescued baby kinkajou! He arrived at our Release Site on March 1, 2021, after being found alone on the ground.
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Behind the Cage: Illegal bird trade in Costa Rica
Growing up in Costa Rica, it was very common to know of someone who had a pet bird. Maybe a small songbird, but sometimes even a…
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Baby Gray Fox Found Abandoned On Road
Everyone, please give a warm welcome to this itty-bitty baby Gray Fox, Robin Hood! Robin arrived a couple of weeks ago after being found…
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2021 International Day of Forests
Forests are home to 80% of the world’s biodiversity. They cover one-third of the planet’s landmass, performing vital functions all over the world, and are a key…
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Deformed & Kept As Illegal Pet, Then Abandoned
Everyone deserves a chance at life, no matter how small: Meet Scooter! This handsome man is a crimson-fronted parakeet, who – up until recently…
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The Story of Chucky: Preserving wildlife together on this World Wildlife Day
Today is World Wildlife Day, and to celebrate, we want to talk about a very special rescue story. A story that reminds us why wildlife is so…
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