PlantCare founder, María José Callejas, will join us in a virtual workshop about having and caring for house plants. She will show us how easy it is to put some green and add life to a room in our house or apartment, some common diseases and pests, and how to control them. María will explain how having a “green” room can help the environment.
- Speaker: María José Callejas
- When: Monday, November 8th at 3:30 pm Costa Rica time.
- Where: This workshop will be streamed in the Education Center at TRR Headquarters but will be virtual.
- Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.
us/j/2400192414?pwd= UzZGcnYrME9rTDNmektFVjFCZEhIUT 09 - Language: Spanish (English live captioning).