Sloth Pre-Release Enclosure | Completed
The Toucan Rescue Ranch (TRR) raised funds for our rescued adult and orphaned sloths! This fundraiser allowed us to build a pre-release enclosure for our Sloth Release Program at our Release Site in Sarapiqui, Costa Rica.
Conservation is Key
The conservation of our rainforests is paramount. Sloths are threatened by human encroachment and habitat loss.
To Save the Sloth
Help the underdogs of the rainforest by helping us reintroduce orphaned sloths.
To put sloths #Backinthetrees
A pre-release enclosure is essential for the proper reintroduction of wildlife
Why do we have orphaned sloths?
Sloths are brought to our rescue center for various reasons. Common incidents include electrocution from exposed power lines, car accidents, dog attacks, and human encroachment (habitat loss, illegal pet-trade). Oftentimes, baby sloths suffer from injuries and the loss of their mother from said incidents.

Why do we have adult sloths?
We house adult sloths because they were brought to TRR as orphans and raised by humans. Unfortunately, very few rescue centers have the means to successfully reintroduce sloths raised by people back into the wild. Now, by implementing TSI’s program, we will have all the necessary tools to teach our sloths the skills that their mothers would have taught them (i.e. to be strong, healthy, and an equipped wild sloth).Â

Why is the pre-release enclosure important?
Reintroducing sloths into the wild is no easy task. When teaching a captive raised sloth how to be wild, we must first teach them the necessary behaviors to survive. In order to accomplish this, we need a setting where they are provided a safe environment, but also introduced to their future home – the rainforest. A pre-release enclosure facilitates this introduction by giving sloths more space to forage, allows researchers to provide enrichment, and exposes the sloths to elements of the jungle. With this enclosure we will be able to see our sloths demonstrate foraging skills and other important postures and behaviors. Finally, this will allow us to slowly introduce the sloth into its natural world!

This fundraiser was a success! Please review our other projects and learn about different ways you can donate. To view the successful campaign you can click the DONATE NOW button.
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