The Blog

  • A Day in Rocky’s Quills

    Hola my spiky amigos,My name is Rocky and the humans tell me that I am a baby Porcupine, whatever that is. All I know is that I am small and spiky and I love nibbling on corn.I´m not sure how I got here, but thank God I did. I remember being a very happy baby […]

  • TRR Inspired Me to Become a Vet Tech

    Before coming to Costa Rica I was working a full-time desk job and working towards a psychology degree. I had considered changing my degree to something geared toward wildlife rehabilitation but I didn’t want to make such a drastic decision without first dipping my toes in the water. I came to the Toucan Rescue Ranch (TRR) […]

  • The Sloth Journals

    Age: ~ 10 monthsPlace of Origin: TilaránCurrent Weight: 1.6 kg (he probably hadn’t gone to the bathroom yet)Nickname: Toffee Jr.Special Talents: Holding his bladderLevel of Fluffiness: 8/10 Lenny is the second-most fluffy baby sloth in the group. At first, it may appear that he is jealous of Toffee’s fluffiness, but he’s really just enjoying his Level […]

  • Tiger Lily the Lesser Anteater

    The Lesser anteater or Tamandua (Tamandua Mexicana):Anteaters are very curious and tend to cover very long distances looking for food. Their technique is simple- sniff around to find food, attack the nest, tree or any bug filled substrate, with their claws, make a hole big enough for the tongue to fit and go to town […]

  • The Sloth Journals

    Age: 2-years, 4-monthsPlace of Origin: GuapilesCurrent Weight: 3.2 kgNicknames: Gretchen, MothershipSpecial Abilities: Cuddling with babies, transporting sloths between planetsLatte is an adult surrogate mother to the Ranch’s baby sloths, a fact made evident by her significantly larger mass when sitting among her foster children. While unfortunately not releasable due to health-related factors, Latte serves as […]

  • The Sloth Journals

    Age: At least 9-monthsPlace of Origin: SarapiquíCurrent Weight: 1.2 kgNickname: BowieSpecial Abilities: Snuggling with LatteAs one of the younger sloths, Bowie seeks comfort from the snuggly warmth of Latte, with whom he is almost always cuddling. Like Ringo, Bowie enjoys hitching a ride on Latte during her occasional romps on the climbing frame- sometimes even […]