Toucan Rescue Ranch Blog

  • The Sloth Journals

    Age: 2-years, 4-monthsPlace of Origin: GuapilesCurrent Weight: 3.2 kgNicknames: Gretchen, MothershipSpecial Abilities: Cuddling with babies, transporting sloths between planetsLatte is an adult surrogate mother to the Ranch’s baby sloths, a fact made evident by her significantly larger mass when sitting among her foster children. While unfortunately not releasable due to health-related factors, Latte serves as […]

  • The Sloth Journals

    Age: At least 9-monthsPlace of Origin: SarapiquíCurrent Weight: 1.2 kgNickname: BowieSpecial Abilities: Snuggling with LatteAs one of the younger sloths, Bowie seeks comfort from the snuggly warmth of Latte, with whom he is almost always cuddling. Like Ringo, Bowie enjoys hitching a ride on Latte during her occasional romps on the climbing frame- sometimes even […]

  • The Sloth Journals

    Age: 1-year, 3-monthsPlace of Origin: TortugueroCurrent Weight: 1.4 kgNickname: Cheese PuffSpecial Talents: Sticking her tongue out and perhaps teleportation The only girl of the high school kids, Chispa (and definitely not Cheese Puff, as some people have confused her name for) sticks out among the babies with her… tongue, which can often be seen poking out […]

  • A Sloth in Heat

    Female three-fingered sloths come into estrous, or heat, multiple times a year and boy, do they like to scream about it! When a female sloth is “in heat” and ready to breed she doesn’t wait for the males to come to her, she actively encourages them with high-pitched screams. The males will then follow the […]

  • The Sloth Journals

    Age: At least 7 monthsCurrent Weight: 1.1 kgPlace of Origin: PuriscalNicknames: Sonic, Wristwatch, SnifflesSpecial Talents: Clinging to his caretakers, casually doing the splitsRingo is one of the youngest sloths in the high school group. He frequently hangs on to Latte while happily watching over the other sloths as she navigates through the climbing frame. As a […]

  • Emma’s New Playground

    Do you remember when we were fundraising for Emma the Otter? We had big dreams to build her a large otter habitat where she could swim, fish and run. Well, thanks to many generous donations, we finally have an otter aquarium right in the heart of the Toucan Rescue Ranch. All the staff and volunteers […]

  • A Grey Hawk’s Journey

    When I came to the Ranch in July, there was a particularly special animal that immediately stole my heart. It was a grey hawk that was brought to us as a juvenile. His wings had been clipped. Someone tried to keep this incredible raptor as a pet and robbed him of the opportunity to grow […]

  • The Sloth Institute and Toucan Rescue Ranch Partner to Help Orphan Sloths

    Collaboration focuses on releasing hand-raised orphaned sloths back into the rainforest The Sloth Institute of Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica (TSI) announces its collaboration with Toucan Rescue Ranch (TRR) to enhance its Sloth Release and Education Program at TRR. TRR’s release site is located in Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, which is one-hour from their rescue center.This release […]