Toucan Rescue Ranch Blog

  • One Otterly Adorable Character

    Did you know that today is International Otter Awareness Day? This day has been bringing awareness to some of the world’s most charismatic and comical animals for 10 years. World Otter Day is organized by the International Otter Awareness Fund whose mission is to raise awareness about otters around the globe while getting citizen scientists involved with otter conservation projects…

  • International Day of Biological Diversity

    Although Earth Day is a beautiful commemoration to our planet, it is not the only international holiday that deserves global attention and appreciation. Today is International Biodiversity Day, a holiday that should be recognized and held up to the same high esteem as Earth Day…

  • A Mom to Hundreds: The Story of an Unconventional Mother for Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day celebrates all of the incredible women out there who bring life and love into this world. Today, we celebrate those incredible mother figures who have helped us to become the people we are….

  • “Bosque de Los Perezosos” for Earth Day

    Today, Toucan Rescue Ranch (TRR) announced a reforestation project called “Bosque de Los Perezosos,” with its partner, Café Britt. This project enables Toucan Rescue Ranch’s Release Program to expand by connecting forest canopy that is currently fragmented due to surrounding agricultural development. 1,200 trees varying in species are planned to be planted by Café Britt volunteers throughout 2019…

  • Call for Artists & Donors!

    Within the next 2 weeks, TRR is seeking artists and people that like to get creative! This campaign is all about donating visual designs for our next CustomInk Fundraiser. This is a great opportunity to show your work and help out a great cause!

  • Pebbles the Tamandua

    Pebbles is a female Northern Tamandua, officially known as Tamandua mexicana. This beautiful anteater species has a prehensile tail, four claws and, surprisingly to many, no teeth! Their tongues are covered in sticky mucus that helps them eat insects…

  • Freedom Feels Really Good

    How many of you remember Oro the two-fingered sloth? No? Don’t worry, we will refresh everyone’s memory. Oro was rescued in February of 2016. He was found at the bottom of a tree. We later found out that he had been there for days before anyone acted…

  • Mom & Baby Sloth Reunited!

    A few days ago the Toucan Rescue Ranch and Saving Sloths Together Release Site team received a phone call: “We found a baby sloth.” We immediately grabbed our emergency box, jumped into the car and went to meet this 450-gram three-fingered baby…

  • It’s National Wildlife Day!

    That is why International Wildlife Day, celebrated twice a year (today and September 4), is so important. The purpose of this holiday is to increase awareness of endangered wildlife all over the world and acknowledge facilities around the globe that support and promote the conservation of wildlife and the environment, such as Toucan Rescue Ranch (TRR).