Toucan Rescue Ranch Blog

  • World Veterinary Day 2023: Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness in the Veterinary Profession!

    April 29 is World Veterinary Day! Every year, on the last Saturday of April, World Veterinary Day is celebrated to recognize the vital role of veterinarians in animal health, welfare, and public health. This year’s theme, “Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness in the Veterinary Profession,” highlights the need for a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive […]

  • Earth Day 2023 – Environmental Education for everyone!

    Nearly a 50-year-old tradition, April 22nd marks an international celebration for our Earth. We use this day to tackle environmental issues the world is facing while appreciating Earth’s beauty across the globe. We believe environmental education is the foundation of a society that respects nature and cares for our planet and all the species that […]

  • #TRRShareYourShot 2023 Photography Gallery

    PHOTOGRAPHERS: HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN #TRRShareYourShot PHOTOGRAPHY SUBMISSIONS HAVE CLOSED VOTING (DONATING): Ends April 29, 2023 SUPPORTERS: HOW TO VOTE FOR A PHOTO WITH YOUR DONATION:  $1 Donation = 1 VOTE toward your favorite photo(s) Donate to a photo/photographer at checkout to vote for a submission – only donations made on the MightyCause Fundraiser page will be […]

  • Support the fundraiser #TRRShareYourShot 2023 and help TRR to be more accessible!

    Learn more about this fundraiser event that combines photography and philanthropy together! My name is Maria, and I’m the marketing intern at Toucan Rescue Ranch; this is my legacy project. I’m very passionate about conservation, and I believe it is very important to leave things betters then we found them. So this is what this […]

  • Help us win the Jackson Wild Audience Award!

    Last March 3, on World Wildlife Day, our short documentary Saving Sloths Together was announced as part of the official selection of Jackson Wild’s 2023 World Wildlife Day Film Showcase! The announcement was part of the UN World Wildlife Day 2023 event at the National Geographic Society’s Grosvenor Auditorium in Washington, D.C. “The 2023 World […]

  • What it’s like being the Marketing Intern for Toucan Rescue Ranch!

    Hi, my name is Maria, and I’ve been working as the Marketing Intern at Toucan Rescue Ranch for the past six months. It feels like I just started yesterday; time flies when you are doing something you enjoy. I will tell you more about my experience of What it is like to be a marketing […]

  • Sloth Loses His Hand After He Gets Caught In Barbed Wire 

    You can help Randy through his recovery and rewilding journey by donating now. We rescued Randy after one of our vet supervisors was contacted through social media about a sloth trapped on barbed wire. This poor sloth was in real trouble and had his hand severely wounded. So, we gathered our team and went to […]

  • Sloth Has Her Arm Amputated and Loses Her Baby to a Terrible Electrocution

    Rihanna’s story is another example of how dreadful electrocution can be to sloths. She was rescued in Aguas Zarcas, San Carlos, after she suffered from electrocution. When she arrived at our clinic, our vet team decided it was better to amputate one of her arms due to being severely burned. When we receive female sloths, it […]

  • Baby Howler Monkey Recovers from Dog Attack

    Loki is a baby howler monkey that is in a delicate state. This baby was rescued after his mom was attacked by a dog and, sadly, passed away. He arrived at our rescue center covered in dirt, very weak, and dehydrated. He had a nosebleed and showed signs of head trauma. Upon arrival, he presented nystagmus […]